Hi people , I'm back for my days of mia again.
Fri (16th april 2010) :
Fri (16th april 2010) :
That day was our school annual award day (AAC)
So everyone is been release @ 11am. YEAH , no sct!
Went to eat at mac wif clique then went home.
Clear-ed some of my hw , pack-ed my stuff for Jellyn's party @ night!
Kinda of excited bt bored @ e same time due to the burden AAC.
So went school to find mrs wong for my dnt , she change my idea again.
Sian sia! ._.
Then went to meet evos , helped them style their hair for e performance later.
So went up to hall to gather , super bored.
Talk-ed to Da A , tricia & peilin.
Then went to indoor sport hall to see the parade , saw weiting!
Long time nv saw him le.
Then follow by alots of speech-es , performances...
And finally prize giving time!
Was super cold uh :X
Keep looking @ my watch waiting for time to pass.
Finally time up , rush to meet clique to take my bag & went to change.
Alot ppl was looking @ me , *shy!
Actually wanted to cab down de bt thanks pau dear's dad for driving me there!
Walk-ed around to find e block & e bbq pit. LOL
Reach there , eveyone was playing bb.
So went to eat first , Then join them for true or dare!
Take pics , cut cake , play bb & stuff.
Then cab home once again @ 11plus wif him , woof woof , min.
A fun & memorable day (L)
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