

Friday, May 7, 2010

Combination of class photo since sec 1 :)

Finally have time to seat down in front of my comp to blog.
This whole exam weeks is so ultra stress for me.
Despite the continous stress-ness i got everyday , there's still smile on my face! :D
I hate it , especially those days where i have two paper per day continously.
and i have to spend equal time to cope/revise for both papers. It's suck!
There're like 3 more paper to go , jy!
Was having all my exam paper in the school hall wif air con , i like!
Geo todae was pretty easy than i expected.
As usual , after one paper end , use the time to recap those notes and prepare for the next paper.
A-maths is difficult cos i basically forget everything after my N-level.
Bt this time round , i did noe how to do some due to my tuition
Bt i guess i am going to fail paper 1 :(
Mon was the paper 2 , hope after combine i can pass!
Shall stop here and continue watching my Autumn's concerto drama ♥
edited : 10.32pm
Currently have no mood , I'm really tired!
Jus hope that i was just thinking too much.

1 month 2 days

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